
Fairford Community Voice was formed in 2016 bringing together Fairford Preservation Trust, Fairford Planning Watch and the Fairford Environmental Society to raise/monitor local issues that concern Fairford residents.

Members of the FCV committee are working closely with the Fairford Town Council to create a Fairford Neighbourhood Plan, to ensure that Fairford’s continued development is sustainable for both existing and future residents and is in keeping with its character as a small historic Cotswold market town. On local planning issues Fairford Planning Watch, as part of Fairford Community Voice, will continue to keep residents informed of any relevant planning applications affecting the town and coordinate the necessary response and/or action.  FCV has also been active in reinstating Fairford’s membership of the national ‘Walkers are Welcome’ and is now working to improve local walks, signage and publicity to meet the needs of both local and visiting walkers. FCV is also part of a programme working together with FAWG, Thames Water and FTC to improve the river environment.

Launch of the River Coln Trail: a walk from the source of the River Coln, near Winchcombe, to its meeting with the River Thames, near Lechlade. The total length of the walk is 33 miles but you can do it in six separate circular walks. See Walkers are Welcome for further information.

There is a very useful booklet giving routes and maps available at £5 from local retail outlets or contact info@fcv.org.uk

For Fairford Community Voice latest article in FTC Newsletter see Latest News